Analysis of the content of the atmosphere of Huelva (1989-1992)


  • Francisco José González Minero Dpto. Biología Vegetal y Ecología. Universidad de Sevilla Spain
  • Pilar Candau Dpto. Biología Vegetal y Ecología. Universidad de Sevilla Spain



Aeropalinology, anemophylous pollen, Cour's method, Huelva, Spain


The airborne pollen of Huelva city is presented. It has been established after four consecutive years of sampling (1989-1992) using a Cour's trap. We identifyed 82 pollen types in out of which 28 were presented over 0.01% in the total amount. Pollen belonging to tree species (Quercus, Pinaceae, Oleo, Myrtaceae, Cupressaceae, Casuarina, Fraxinus, Alnus, Castanea, etc.), a meant 64% and predominated over that of weed species (34%) (Poaceae, Amaranthaceae/ Chenopodiaceae, Urticaceae, Plantago, Rumex, Compositae),and shurb species (2%) (Ericaceae is the most frequent in this group). From a quantitative point of view, the main pollinic types were as follows: Poaceae (18.08%), Quercus (14.75%), Pinaceae (13.49%), Oleo (11.79%), Myrtaceae (11.41%), Amaranthaceae/ Chenopodiaceae (11.03%), Urticaceae (8.07%) and Cupressaceae (5.13%). Throughout the year there were five periods of maximun emission of pollen: The end of winter (Fraxinus, Cupressaceae, Platanus and Urticaceae), middle of April (Quercus and Pinaceae), middle of May (Poaceae, Oleo, Plantago and Rumex), end of June (Myrtaceae), end of August (Amaranthaceae/ Chenopodiaceae) and October (Casuarina). Additionally, small amounts of totally or partially antomophylous pollen, were found: Castanea, Compositae, Cruciferae, Boraginaceae, Ericaceae, Helianthus, Leguminosae and Umbelliferae.


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How to Cite

González Minero, F. J., & Candau, P. (1995). Analysis of the content of the atmosphere of Huelva (1989-1992). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 20, 71–81.




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