The covid-19: a long-distance race to advance in physical education


  • Francisco Javier Gil-Espinosa Spain



confinement, pandemic, physical activity


On March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) determines in its assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic. It is justified in alarming levels of spread and its severity (WHO, 2020), in fact, only in Spain, date of June 6, 2020, 241,310 cases of infected and 27,135 deceased (General and Health, 2020). The personal and family pain and damage has been aggravated with the questioning of some pillars of our modern society, such as the systems of prevention and health care and globalization that, given the demand for basic health products, has caused a bid between "friendly" governments for EPIS and respirators.


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How to Cite

Gil-Espinosa, F. J. (2020). The covid-19: a long-distance race to advance in physical education. Journal of Physical Education and Human Movement, 2(2), 1–5.