
  • Natalia Fernández González Universidad de Málaga Spain




time, Physical Education, physical activity, sessions, students


Introduction: according to Gómez and Sánchez (2014), the motor commitment time is that time in which the students dedicate it to a motor activity, considered as a measure of teaching effectiveness as it is the time in which more learning occurs in a physical education class. Material and method: in this work the main objective has been to assess the time of motor commitment of the students, so that I have registered a sample of 20 students of the first cycle of primary education over 4 weeks (1 month), at different hours of the day. The tool used has been a stopwatch and a record sheet where the moments of motor activity of the students during the session were collected. Results: an average of 54.29% of the motor engagement time in physical education sessions was obtained. Conclusions: the time of motor engagement in our study is low, being higher in the session after recess and lower during the first session in the morning.


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How to Cite

Fernández González, N. (2019). TIME OF MOTOR COMMITMENT IN PRIMARY EDUCATION. Journal of Physical Education and Human Movement, 1(2), 37–44. https://doi.org/10.24310/JPEHMjpehm.v1i2.6686

