Proposal of an instrument to evaluate happiness: the Sophie Model


  • Yuliana
  • Arnoldo González Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
  • Carlos López Ceballos Universidad Central del Valle del Cauca, Tuluá. Colombia
  • Kenya Lezama Universidad del Valle, Managua Nicaragua
  • Juan Carlos García Cordero MindFit Institute Spain
  • Javier Cacho Caballero Spain
  • Maria del Carmen Losada Berlanga 2Instituto de Educación Secundaria “Arroyo de la Miel”, Benalmádena, Málaga Spain



well-being, test, factors, reliability, validation


Given the importance of happiness for human beings, in this work an instrument was developed and evaluated to determine the level of happiness: the Sophie Model. For the evaluation, a factor analysis of the items was carried out; for the extraction of the factors, diagonally weighted least squares and a robust prominent rotation algorithm were used. The instrument was constructed from 78 items, which describe five dimensions of happiness: social relationships, life goals, inner balance, external vision and physical health. The instrument was applied to two samples of participants, together with the Subjective Happiness Scale: 417 people from Nicaragua (age 24.3 years ± 9.5 years, 60% women) and 71 people from Colombia (age 29.2 years ± 13.4 years, 51% women). According to the results obtained, unlike the initial model of the five dimensions proposed, the following were found: family, friends, physical health, external vision, purpose in life and internal balance, which has the appropriate adjustment indexes (RMSR, RMSEA, CFI, NNFI), as well as an adequate reliability estimated from Cronbach's alpha (? > 0.7). The Sophie Model and its subscales correlated positively and significantly (p < 0.05) with the Subjective Happiness Scale. For the Nicaraguan sample, it was found that professionals are happier than students (p < 0.05), but this result was not replicated in the Colombian sample. It was also found that the Colombian sample is happier than the Nicaraguan sample (p < 0.05). It is concluded that the Sophie Model and its five dimensions can explain happiness. Additionally, the instrument designed has adequate psychometric properties to estimate happiness, and can be used in evaluation studies of public and organizational policies and their impact on people's well-being. In subsequent studies, with a larger and more diverse sample, it will be possible to refine the instrument.


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How to Cite

Yuliana, González, A., López Ceballos, C., Lezama, K., García Cordero , J. C., Cacho Caballero, J., & Losada Berlanga, M. del C. (2022). Proposal of an instrument to evaluate happiness: the Sophie Model. Journal of Physical Education and Human Movement, 4(1), 11–22.

