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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word for Window or Mac OS document file format.
  • Whenever possible, URL addresses are provided for references, and DOI references have been added in cases where they exist.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 11-point Cambria font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The mandatory metadata has been added to the corresponding section (author/authors, affiliation, ORCID code, funding if applicable, etc.). References to the authors have been removed from the text to ensure anonymity during the review process, and the file with the complete author or authors' information has been included, as indicated in the Author Guidelines.
  • The "original manuscript file" version includes in the acknowledgments the funding source for the published articles, as well as the project code under which the research is conducted, if applicable.
  • The article includes captions for the images inserted in their respective locations.
  • As the author, you guarantee that you have all permissions to exploit with sufficient scope any illustrations, photos, quotes and other content incorporated into the work.

Author Guidelines

  1. General aspects

The ARTxt Review, edited by the Service of Publications of the University of Malaga, is an annual review which publishes original works, carried out with methodological rigor and that represent a contribution to research in the field of current art, without losing sight of the multidisciplinary that characterizes this field of knowledge. Works that are the product of funded research projects will be valued with special attention.


2. Presentation of the works

The works must be unpublished and not be in the process of review or publication by any other. Must be written in Spanish (see point 4 of these guidelines) or in English. Have to be presented in Word format for Windows or Mac OS, without data that identifies the author, in the template format that is included in point 5 of these guidelines, and send them through the OJS application at the address: https://

The author must register in the system and follow the steps indicated in it. The introduction of metadata in Spanish and English (title, abstract and keywords)and the ORCID code, is mandatory. For all this, there is a tutorial in the navigation bar.

Along with the article, a separate file will also be included containing the full name of the author or authors (with a single surname or, if you prefer, with both surnames joined by a hyphen), the ORCID code (if they are registered), a brief curriculum —maximum 200 words— of each one and the address, email, organization and contact telephone number (of the person in charge, if there are several). The financing of the work, if any, will be included both in the specific section of the form for submitting the article, and in the article itself in the acknowledgments section, indicating its complete reference (Name of the agency and the code of the draft).

How to ensure a blind review:

To ensure the integrity of the blind review of the submission, it is necessary to prevent the identity of the authors and reviewers from being known. This involves authors, editors, and reviewers (who upload documents as part of their review) checking whether the following steps were considered for the text and file properties:

1- The authors of the document have removed their names from the text, using "Author" and year in the references and footnotes, instead of the author's name, the title of the article, etc.

2- With Microsoft Office documents, the identity of the author must also be removed from the file properties (see under File in Word), by clicking on the following, starting with File in the main menu of the Microsoft application: File > Save Like > Tools (or Options on a Mac) > Security > Remove personal information from file properties on save > Save.

3- With PDFs, the author's name must also be removed from the Document Properties found under File in the Adobe Acrobat main menu.


3. Review

All selected papers are subjected to a peer review process ("peer review" or "double blind" system). Previously, when a manuscript is submitted, the editors will review the manuscripts, based on the following criteria:

• Originality, actuality and novelty.

• Relevance to the fields covered by the journal.

• Methodological quality, good presentation and writing.

• That the article is the result of a financed research project will be valued positively.

• That no file contains information identifying the authors

• That the article has not been published before elsewhere.

Then, within a maximum period of 90 days from the date of receipt of the article, the journal editor will assign two external evaluators who will carry out a blind review of the article (anonymous double evaluation). During the review period of the article, both the names of the authors and the evaluators will be anonymous. The reviewers will be identified by the editors of the journal, and will be researchers with experience in their respective fields. The most suitable evaluators will be selected according to the request received and the experience. The editors will be in charge of analyzing the reports of the evaluators and exchanging opinions with some members of the editorial board in order to make a proper decision on whether an article could be publishable or not. The editors will review all the evaluations carried out and will contrast the evaluators' notes with the content of the article before sending the decisions and the evaluators' comments to the authors. In cases where the editors have doubts after the evaluation process, the evaluation will be checked again with some members of the editorial board, according to their area of ??specialization, in order to reach an agreement and a decision on the manuscript. In the event that the article is not publishable, such a decision will be argued to the author and the necessary information will be given for its modification. The results of the evaluation will be sent to the authors within a maximum period of 3-4 months after receipt. Once the work has been laid out, a draft will be sent to the authors so that they can correct possible errors that do not affect the content. (During non-teaching academic periods, the management of the articles received will be suspended until the end of said periods).


4. Acceptance of works

The accepted articles must adapt to the format of the journal and will be fully respected, unless errors are detected, in which case they will be corrected by the journal's Editorial Office. The term for the authors to make the modifications and corrections recommended by the reviewers is established in 15 days from the communication by the editors. The contents and opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the authors, and do not compromise the opinion and editorial policy of the journal. Likewise, the ethical principles of research and publication by the authors must be respected. If an article by the author or authors has previously been published in the journal, the new article cannot be sent until at least one year after publication. The acceptance of a work supposes that the copyright rights, in any medium and by any support, are transferred to the publisher of the journal.


5. Contribution formats

5.1. ArTxt Section: Research Articles.

The texts in this section are evaluated by blind peer review. The articles will have a length between 5,000 and 7,500 words (not including abstract, keywords and references) and will maintain the following structure: Title (in Spanish and English); Abstract in Spanish, with a maximum length of 100 words, followed by the keywords (no more than 5 words), the English translation of said summary (abstract), the title of the article and the keywords (key words) and The summary. If the article is written in English, the abstract in Spanish will be added. The name of the author(s) or any reference to them in the text of the article will not be included. (Download template here).


5.2. LabTxt Section.

Projects of the Experimentation Laboratory of the Faculty of Fine ArtsThe texts in this section are evaluated and selected by a Selection Committee for projects of artistic creation and/or experimentation in the annual Call of the Experimentation Laboratory of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Malaga. The texts will have a length between 5,000 and 7,500 words (not including abstract, keywords and references) and will maintain the following structure: Title of the project (in Spanish and English); Abstract in Spanish, with an extension between 150 and 200 words, followed by the keywords (no more than 5 words), the English translation of said summary (abstract), the title of the project and the keywords (key words) and the summary. If the text is written in English, the abstract in Spanish will be added. (Download template here).

5.3. MixTxt section.

The texts in this section are evaluated and selected by the Editorial Board; they do not go through blind peer review. ARTxt receives unpublished reviews of relevant exhibitions, art fairs, festivals, interviews with outstanding professionals in the current art scene and/or recent publications. Exhibitions must not be more than one year old. Publication reviews must contain the complete bibliographic information of the book reviewed as well as an image of the cover (See criteria for sending images in section 6 of these regulations).Maximum 2,000 words of text and 3 images. (Download template here).

5.4. Covers.

Contributions of images (maximum 3) are accepted for use on the cover of any of the issues of the magazine.Image requirements:

• It must be an original work of the submitting author (or with the express permission of the author)

• It must not have been previously used as a cover in any printed or digital publication.

• It must be adapted to the following digital format: 17 cm wide by 14 cm high, resolution 300 dpi.

• The following information must be included in the shipment: author, title, year and technique used. The selection process will be carried out by the Editorial Team of the magazine.


6. Images

Authors may include in their texts images of works by other authors by way of citation or for analysis, comment or critical judgment, in accordance with article 32 of the current Intellectual Property Law in force, given the research purpose of the publication, with the following restrictions: maximum 10 per article, JPG format, 300 dpi and 17x14 cm maximum format. The image must be accompanied by the caption with the complete reference of the work and the publication or place where it was obtained. They will be attached in files independent of the text, making reference in the text itself to the place that corresponds to each image. The author must indicate the authorship of the photograph (unless it is the same author of the article, in which case only "photograph of the author") or its origin must be specified. The magazine reserves the right to modify the size of the images if necessary for their correct publication, respecting as far as possible the original format of the author. If the author considers that the article, due to its characteristics, requires a greater number of images than allowed, he must specify it in the submission (comments for the editor) and the Editorial Office will assess its feasibility.

7. Citations and bibliographical references

The citations and bibliographical references (minimum ten) will be adapted to the APA standards (v.7). Efforts will be made to minimize the number and length of footnotes, limiting their use to clarifications that are essential to the text. Also, try to avoid secondary citations.

ArTxt. Research articles.

The texts in this section are evaluated by blind peer review.

The articles will have a length between 5,000 and 7,500 words (not including abstract, keywords and references) and will maintain the following structure: Title (in Spanish and English); Abstract in Spanish and English, with a maximum length of 100 words, followed by the keywords (no more than 5 words) in Spanish and English. If the article is written in English, the abstract in Spanish will be added. The name of the author(s) or any reference to them in the text of the article will not be included.

LabTxt. Artistic Experimentation Projects.

The texts in this section are evaluated and selected by a Selection Committee for projects of artistic creation and/or experimentation in the annual Call of the Experimentation Laboratory of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Malaga.

The texts will have a length between 5,000 and 7,500 words (not including abstract, keywords and references) and will maintain the following structure: Title of the project (in Spanish and English); Abstract in Spanish, with an extension between 150 and 200 words, followed by the keywords (no more than 5 words), the English translation of said summary (abstract), the title of the project and the keywords (key words) and the summary. If the text is written in English, the abstract in Spanish will be added.

MisTxt. Reviews.

The texts in this section are evaluated and selected by the Editorial Board; they do not go through blind peer review.

ARTxt receives unpublished reviews of relevant exhibitions, art fairs, festivals, interviews with outstanding professionals in the current art scene and recent publications. Exhibitions must not be more than one year old. Book reviews must contain the complete bibliographic information of the book reviewed as well as an image of the cover (See criteria for sending images in section 6 of these regulations).

Maximum 2,000 words of text and 3 images.


Contributions of images (maximum 3) are accepted for use on the cover of any of the issues of the journal.

Image requirements:

  • It must be an original work of the submitting author (or with the express permission of the author)
  • It must not have been previously used as a cover in any printed or digital publication.
  • It must be adapted to the following digital format: 17 cm wide by 14 cm high, resolution 300 dpi.
  • The following information must be included in the shipment: author, title, year and used technique.

The selection process will be carried out by the Editorial Team of the journal.



Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.