About the Journal

Focus and scope/Focus and scope: ARTxt is an annual scientific-academic digital journal that aims to disseminate the research generated in the field of Fine Arts, as well as the teaching and practice of current art. ARTxt was born with the vocation of creating a platform where researchers, professors and professionals of art theory and practice can disseminate the results of their research, as well as find a forum permanently open to any subject related to study, research, reflection, debate, innovation and experience of contemporary and current art.

The journal includes three sections:

? ArTxt. Research articles: All the published research articles will have undergone a review process based on prior analysis by the editors and blind peer review.

? LabTxt: Projects of the Experimentation Laboratory of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Malaga.

? MixTxt: Comments and bibliographic reviews, of authors or works, criticism of exhibitions and interviews.


To whom: The journal is aimed at researchers and professionals related to the research, teaching and practice of Art, and for its dissemination vocation, to the university community and the general public who are interested in contemporary and current art.


Periodicity: Annual.

Open access policy: ARTxt is an open access journal, which means that all content is freely available at no charge to the user or their institution. ARTxt follows the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs initiative for all published texts. This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license. All non-commercial use and distribution in any medium are permitted, as long as the author and journal are properly cited and acknowledged.

Good editorial practices in gender equality: UMA Editorial, managed through the Publications and Scientific Dissemination Service of the Vice-rectorate for Research and Transfer of the University of Malaga (UMA), shares the values ??of the institution. Among them, “equality” between women and men is established.In this sense, we follow the guidelines of the Style Guide for the Edition of the Publications and Scientific Dissemination Service, which is based on the Orientation Guide for the equal use of language and image of the UMA (2015), a useful instrument that offers resources and strategies to avoid linguistic sexism in editorial, teaching, research, and management activities.

Anti-plagiarism policy: ARTxt journal will guarantee the originality of all manuscripts through the use of anti-plagiarism software provided by UMA Editorial through Ithenticate's Crossref Similarity Check Services. This policy will ensure originality standards and detect coincidences and similarities between the texts sent for publication and those previously published in other sources. The journal reserves the right to reject articles with an inappropriate percentage of similarity.