El nacimiento de la tragedia griega en la pantalla: Prometeo encadenado (1927) de Gadsiadis


  • Alejandro Valverde García Spain


Greek cinema, Greek tragedy, Aeschylus, Prometheus, Gaziadis, Sikelianos, Delphi


Working with the theories of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche about the origin of the Greek tragedy, from the spirit of the music, to how the crowning moment of the Delphic Festival, the poet Angelos Sikelianos and his wife Eva Palmer, in the year of 1927, brought Aeschylus´ Prometheus Bound to the stage, combining poetry, music, dance and acting in the process. This play would then be immortalized by one of the greatest directors of European cinema, Demetrios Gaziadis, who manages to adapt an
ancient Greek tragedy for the first time with his film, turning it into a model for other great cinematographers, who will ensure that this movie genre will continue to develop until it consolidates the decade of the sixties of the twentieth century (Tsavelas,
Cacoyannis). In this process the films will break away from the rigid theatrical conventions, conveying more realism and moving closer toward the interests of the audience.


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