Acute effect of dance as an aerobic exercise on static balance in people over 50


  • Tyrone Mauricio Loria Calderon Universidad de Costa Rica Costa Rica
  • Carlos David Carmona Gómez Universidad de Extremadura Spain



balance, dance, senior


Introduction: The balance in people over 50 years becomes essential to maintain adequate mobility, and thus be able to perform day-to-day activities such as bathing or walking; An adequate balance gives people autonomy. Objective: to analyze the acute effect of dance as an aerobic exercise on static balance in older adults. Method: Participants: 25 male and female subjects of a Physical Activity Project for the Elderly in the Western Region of Costa Rica. Procedures: A single group was evaluated in two conditions: intervention (1 hour of dance) and control. The measurements were made on two different days (48 hours apart). The investigation had a pretest (before the dance class) and two posttest (immediately after the dance class and an hour later), the sample was not probabilistic, and the conditions were randomized. Instruments: monopodal support (AM) and the “T” shaped Balance Test. A WIMU PRO inertial device (RealTrack Systems. Almería. Spain) has been used to record the data. The S PROTM software (RealTrack Systems. Almería. Spain) was used to calculate CV statistics on the accelerometer signal. The sensor used in this investigation has been the combination of the signal of the three tri-axial accelerometers of which the device is composed (accelerometer ± 2G. 1 accelerometer ± 16G and one accelerometer ± 100G). The data has been recorded at a sampling frequency of 1000 Hz. Statistical analysis: a descriptive analysis of the sample was carried out through the mean and the standard deviation. The normality distribution of the data was carried out using the Shapiro Wilk test. After this test, an analysis of variance (2-way ANOVA of repeated measures in both factors) of repeated measures was used to identify the differences between means of the series performed. Bonferroni's post-hoc adjustment was used for two-to-two checks (Field. 2013). The data was processed using SPSS v24.0 (IBM). The level of significance was set at p <0.05. Results: The analyzed subjects presented the following anthropometric data (age: 67.6 ± 6.59 years; height: 155.8 ± 7.39 cm; weight: 68.69 ± 10.80 Kg; BMI (body mass index): 28.44 ± 4.71 kg/m2). Regarding the coefficient of variation (CV), for the right foot monopodal support test (AM-PD), in the control condition as in the experimental condition there were significant changes between measurements and between conditions. Moreover, in the left foot monopodal support test (AM-PI), significant changes were found only between conditions. In the other test of monopodal support T (Monopodal support T right foot (AMT-PD), there were significant changes in the experimental condition and between conditions. In addition, in monopodal support T left foot (AMT-PI), we found significant changes just like the AMT-PD test. Conclusion: Aerobic exercise has an acute positive effect on the balance of people over 50 years. The effect improves after an hour of taking the dance class.


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Author Biographies

Tyrone Mauricio Loria Calderon, Universidad de Costa Rica

Docente de la Sección de Educación Física, Departamento de Educación, Sede de Occidente, Universidad de Costa Rica

Carlos David Carmona Gómez, Universidad de Extremadura

Máster y estudiante de doctorado Universidad de Extremadura


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How to Cite

Loria Calderon, T. M., & Carmona Gómez, C. D. (2020). Acute effect of dance as an aerobic exercise on static balance in people over 50. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 9(2), 61–74.


