Effects of discontinued endurance methods on VO2max´s in judokas


  • C Agudelo-Velásquez Universidad de Antioquia Colombia
  • D Rendón-Álvarez Universidad de Antioquia Colombia
  • M Ortiz-Uribe Universidad de Antioquia Colombia
  • J Quiñonez-Quiñonez Universidad de Antioquia Colombia
  • J Echeverry- Gil Universidad de Antioquia Colombia
  • J Jiménez-Céspedes Universidad de Antioquia Colombia
  • J Mesa-Muñoz Universidad de Antioquia Colombia




endurance, judo, interval training, intermittent training


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of two different endurance training protocols based on discontinuous methodology (intermittent and interval), on the VO2Peakof Antioquia's top Judo athletes. 

To do this, 21 judokas of Antioquia’s judo team, belonging to the category of Major (20.43±4.18 years) were randomized into two experimental groups and a control group. Both experimental groups were trained in endurance for 4 weeks with 4 weekly stimuli, one of the experimental groups was trained based on the interval training method, and the other was trained based on the intermittent method. Meanwhile, the control group made no endurance training.

No significant differences between pretest and posttest of both experimental groups, (intermittent and interval training protocols), nor in the control group were found (p> 0.05). It was concluded that the endurance training protocols based on discontinuous methodology, produced no significant difference in VO2Peakof Antioquia's top Judo athletes.


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How to Cite

Agudelo-Velásquez, C., Rendón-Álvarez, D., Ortiz-Uribe, M., Quiñonez-Quiñonez, J., Echeverry- Gil, J., Jiménez-Céspedes, J., & Mesa-Muñoz, J. (2016). Effects of discontinued endurance methods on VO2max´s in judokas. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 5(3), 22–35. https://doi.org/10.24310/riccafd.2016.v5i3.6139


