Efficacy of a multimodal physical exercise program of the functional physical capacity of patients with Parkinson´s disease
functional physical capacity, aerobic exercise, neuromotor exercise, strengthening training, Parkinson’s diseaseAbstract
Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) progressively affects people and is characterized by disabling disorders. Physical exercise positively influences the clinical manifestations and complications of the disease. However, there is little research on its effects on functional physical capacity. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a multimodal program (aerobic exercise, strengthening, and neuromotor skills training) on the functional physical capacity of patients with PD. Methodology: a randomized, single-blind, longitudinal clinical study. Forty patients from Yucatan, Mexico, aged 50 or older with PD, stages II and III (H & Y), performed physical exercise (multimodal program, N=20, vs neuromotor exercises, N=20), three times a week for twelve weeks. Functional physical capacity (muscle strength, flexibility, aerobic endurance, and dynamic balance) was evaluated using the Senior Fitness Test (SFT) before, during, and after the interventions. Results: No statistically significant differences were found between a multimodal intervention program and a neuromotor program (p˃.05). At the end of each intervention, a statistically significant improvement was observed in muscle strength (p˂.001), aerobic endurance (p˂.001), flexibility (p ˂.001) and dynamic balance (p ˂.001). Conclusion: A program based on multimodal or neuromotor physical exercise is safe and improves the functional physical capacity of patients with PD, promoting greater functionality and quality of life.
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