Strength, flexibility and injury risk in football 5 a-side players with visual and hearing impairment
discapacidad sensorial, fútbol, riesgo de lesión, fuerza potencia, flexibilidadAbstract
Disability and the sports field have been considered a great promoter of inclusion.For soccer 5 both strength and flexibility determine adequate performance of sporting gestures, thus promoting adequate functionality of the muscle groups involved in the sport through the expression of strength and optimal periods of co-contraction, the above to address to the skills necessary to practice the sport Method: Descriptive cross-sectional study to describe the strength, power, flexibility and risk of injury in professional auditory and sound soccer athletes aged 18 or more years of the Cauca's Valley. Results and discussion: For the risk of injury, a significant difference (p=0.008), indicating that athletes with visual impairment had a higher risk of injury; in relation to strength and flexibility with the tests used, no differences were found
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