Observational Analysis of Technical Behaviors in High-Performance Women's Judo
judo femenino, ippon, wasari, alta competición, conductas técnicas, metodología observacionalAbstract
Women's judo is one of the sports experiencing the most growth in recent years. The aim of this study was twofold: first, to identify which behavior patterns prior to success (IPPON or Wazari) occur with greater probabilities than by chance; and second, to propose predictive models of success. Observational methodology was used, and 148 women's matches were collected and analyzed, with a total of 10,727 records from the 2019 World Championships Senior. Multivariate results demonstrate the need to master different types of techniques such as Kantsetsu waza, standing judo with and without rotation, as well as concepts like backward and forward in standing techniques. Additionally, to achieve IPPON or Wazari, significant delays highlight the importance of kumikata, kesa, or different types of grips.
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