Assessment of neuromuscular control of lower limb of highly competitive soccer players.
biomecánica, rodilla, fútbol, LCA, valgo dinámico.Abstract
The aim of this study was to assess neuromuscular control in high competition soccer players, since its early identification is of utmost importance to categorize their lower extremity injury risk profile. In this research, three gestures that subject the athlete to develop a correct neuromuscular control were proposed: change of direction (CD), deceleration (D) and vertical jump drop (CSV). Sixty soccer players between 15 and 41 years of age (20.7 ± 5.9) from the city of Punta Arenas were evaluated, giving as a result that a high percentage presented inadequate neuromuscular control, especially in the CD and D gesture, especially in the variables knee projection angle in the frontal plane (APRPF) and in the relation of the knee with the ground reaction force (GRF), which cause excessive dynamic valgus in the knee.
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