Physical activity practice and its relationship with the healthy life of students at a university in the Dominican Republic: a quantitative analysis.
physical activity, physical condition, feeding habits, healthy life, lifestyleAbstract
Analyze the practice of physical activity and its relationship with the physical condition, eating habits and lifestyle of university students in the Dominican Republic: a quantitative analysis, semester 2023-1. A non-experimental design was used, with a quantitative correlational scope using the non-parametric Spearman's Rho statistic. The population represented by 302 students, with a simple random probabilistic sample of 170. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire, IPAQ, and the Healthy Living Questionnaire, VIDSALD, were applied. The health of many students has been affected by the lack of physical activity and absence of factors to maintain a healthy life such as: physical condition, eating habits and lifestyle, causing general discomfort and possible complications when suffering from some type of non-communicable disease, since there are low levels of physical activity and in some cases sedentary behaviors.
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