Game defense activity of top football goalkeepers - running out – evaluation and analysis
single player defensive playing activities with the ball, running out, frequency, dependence of sports successAbstract
This article deals with the frequency of single player defensive playing activity (further SPDPA) of football goalkeepers running out, as monitored in a studied group and in sets of goalkeepers of both winning and losing teams. In addition, it focuses on an analysis of the dependence between the team's success in the match and the level of quality of the defensive game activity of football goalkeepers running out. The authors created a form enabling selected playing activities of the observed goalkeepers to be recorded. It was supposed that the goalkeepers of the losing teams would have a higher frequency of SPDPA running out - playing one on one and running out to the crosses. Such running out SPDPA had the greatest influence on the result of the match. The hypotheses were confirmed. The results of the analysis will be useful for trainers in training planning and match tactics.
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