Hearing data. Combining sensory experiences for improved human-data relationships.





Data sonification, Sound experiences, Public understanding, Design for experience, Emotional Design, User Experience


In the last two decades, rapid growth in data generation and use has transformed our social interactions and technological landscape. This change is driven by digitalizing critical infrastructures and the widespread adoption of technologies like IoT, social networks, and smart devices. These advances have posed significant challenges in interpreting and applying vast data volumes to generate practical knowledge and informed decisions across various fields.

The human ear, developing as our first sense, plays a crucial role in perceiving the environment from before birth. Exploring environmental sounds has been a focus in soundscape studies since the 1960s. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted urban sounds' profound impact on daily life, revealing human sounds like traffic and street activities in the absence of other noises.

In advanced technology settings, sound design serves essential practical and emotional roles. From alerting machine statuses to enhancing user experiences in film, digital gaming, and automotive sectors, sound design is a powerful tool. Data sonification, emerging in the 1990s, represents large datasets through sound, complementing traditional visualizations. This field has expanded into areas such as data journalism and activism, exploring sound's aesthetic dimension to enhance public understanding of complex phenomena.


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Author Biography

Sara Lenzi, University of Deusto

Sara Lenzi is a researcher in data sonification and sound-driven design. She started her career as a sound designer in Italy, founding the first sound branding agency and winning Young Entrepreneur of the Year (2008). In 2012, she established Asia’s first sound design studio, creating sound identities for spaces, products, and brands. Alongside, she continued her research and artistic activities through teaching and exhibitions worldwide. She earned a cum laude PhD in Design on Data Sonification from the Politecnico di Milano (2021).

She is a member of the International Advisory Board of the Design Research Society, a visiting researcher at Delft University of Technology, and an affiliate member of the Center for Design, Boston. She co-founded sounDesign.info and the Data Sonification Archive and has ongoing projects with MIT and City University of Hong Kong. An advocate for the importance of sound and listening, she emphasizes ethical responsibility in design. Her research focuses on data sonification for anomaly detection and design methods in sound design. Currently, she works at the Basque Foundation for Science Ikerbasque.



How to Cite

Lenzi, S. (2024). Hearing data. Combining sensory experiences for improved human-data relationships. Proyecta56, an Industrial Design Journal, 4(1), 62–74. https://doi.org/10.24310/p56-idj1202420150