The Trojan horse of the human species


  • Moisés Garrido Sanchís Spain
  • Marta Blasco Alonso Spain


Trojan horse, human species


The appearance and extinction of species are unquestionable realities that continually occur in Nature. While this article is being read and reflected upon, in some corner of the tropical jungle, the desert, the savannah, or the depths of the sea, the astonishing process of the birth of a species is taking place; but also, another species is becoming extinct because it has not managed to adapt to the changes in the environment in which it lives. In the past, there have been five major extinctions. Recently, many scientists claim that the sixth mass extinction is beginning and that man, through his activities, is contributing to it.


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How to Cite

Garrido Sanchís, M., & Blasco Alonso , M. (2007). The Trojan horse of the human species. Encuentros En La Biología, (116), 3–4. Retrieved from