Medications, better together!


  • Javier García Spain


Medications, new therapeutic techniques, human health


Due to the intense technological revolution of recent decades, progress has been made in many areas of knowledge, but the progress achieved in the development of new therapeutic techniques aimed at treating pathologies or conditions in human health is especially noteworthy. Today it is not uncommon to hear about bionic limbs, which are controlled by electrical impulses emitted by the muscles and thus replace the functionality of an amputated limb; nor of devices that autonomously supply the appropriate doses of insulin to diabetes patients; or even of face transplants between individuals (does anyone remember the well-known feature film “Face to Face”?


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Kreuter J (1991). Liposomes and nanoparticles as vehicles for antibiotics. Infection 4: S224-S228.



How to Cite

García , J. (2011). Medications, better together!. Encuentros En La Biología, 4(132), 11–12. Retrieved from