Neural networks as adaptive complex systems


  • Antonio Flores Burgess Spain
  • Luis Prieto Riascos Spain
  • Francisco Llavero Bernal Spain


Neural networks, adaptive complex


Complexity is a term that is applied in different fields and with different meanings. For example, it is used as an adjective to highlight the difficulty of understanding or solving a problem or issue. But for the case at hand, complexity implies a set of rules and properties of systems that could broadly unify the life sciences. The word complexity is associated with difficulty in understanding and explanation. Therefore, complexity applies to matters in which many aspects must be considered, so they are not easy to understand or resolve. Also, complementarily, it could be said that what is understandable is that which can be simplified, reduced, compressed into fewer elements.


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How to Cite

Flores Burgess, A., Prieto Riascos , L., & Llavero Bernal, F. (2011). Neural networks as adaptive complex systems. Encuentros En La Biología, 4(135), 53–54. Retrieved from