What is systems biology?


  • Néstor Torres Darias Spain


biology, system, system biology


There is a scene in Genesis (2, 19-20) where God grants Adam the ability to name beings and things, which is interpreted simultaneously as a power and a responsibility that the deity attributes to the human being. Defining is not easy either, to the point that some have proclaimed their hatred of definitions (Benjamin Disraeli) while others have warned us (e.g., Erasmus of Rotterdam) that every definition is dangerous. If we refer to the subject at hand, Systems Biology, the evidence of the difficulty and danger of giving a definition appears soon. Anyone who has started studying Systems Biology will have been able to see that there are not many general and comprehensive definitions of it, which is a good indicator of the difficulty and risk involved in answering the question that gives title to this article. But we will accept the challenge, aware of the risk we assume and the difficulty it entails.


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How to Cite

Torres Darias, N. (2011). What is systems biology?. Encuentros En La Biología, 4(136), 59–60. Retrieved from https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/enbio/article/view/18437