the university man


  • Ignacio Nuñez de Castro Spain


The name Universitas, University, already appears in the Bull Parens scentiarum of Gregory IX by which the University
of Paris was created in the year 1231, referring to the group of professors and students. Universitas, from the
same root as universe, in Latin, used as a cultured language at that time, in the face of the different romances
that were appearing, meant guild, body or brotherhood, in our case of Professors and students, or better yet of
teachers and schoolchildren. It is interesting to note that the Pontifical Bull takes place to defend the
Universitas (the group of professors and students) of the Cathedral Chapter of Paris, after the incidents and
strikes of the year 1229, of which the problem of Aristotelianism, defended by the Faculty of Arts, but rejected
by the Faculty of Theology. William of Auxerre, a member of the commission appointed by Gregory IX to examine
the Aristotelian writings, which showed signs of openness to new currents, seems to have been one of the editors
of the Bull.


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How to Cite

Nuñez de Castro , I. (2012). the university man. Encuentros En La Biología, 5(141), 119–120. Retrieved from


