Celebrating Wallace


  • Mª Victoria Ruiz Pérez Spain


Wallace, 100 years


Encounters in Biology did not want to remain oblivious to a singular anniversary for the history of Biology: in 2013, 100 years have passed since the death of Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913). To celebrate this centenary, Encounters in Biology wants to echo the WALLACE 100 initiative, an informal international association of organizations with projects designed to celebrate this centenary. The logo of this association shows three males of the butterfly Ornithoptera croesus, the most famous of the 113 species and subspecies of butterflies from Southeast Asia that Wallace named. The orange color of the logo is similar to that of the butterfly itself. Wallace captured the first male specimen of this beautiful butterfly in 1859 on the Indonesian island of Batchian. The British Museum of Natural History hosts the Wallace 100 blog on its NaturePlus web space. During the Darwin Year, Encounters in Biology also wanted to pay a modest tribute to Wallace and did so by publishing a biography written by Mª Victoria Ruiz Pérez, then a predoctoral fellow (Encounters in Biology 2 (125): 49-51, 2009). Now a doctor, Mª Victoria has been happy to review and “update” that biography. Below is this revamped version.


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Crane, L. 2006. Was Wallace more Darwinian than Darwin himself? In Cain, J.: First Class Essays. www. ucl. Ac. Uk/sts/cain/firstclass/index.htm

Gould, SJ. 1980. Wallace’s fatal flaw. Natural History, 89: 26-40.

Q u a m m e n , D . 2 0 0 8 . T h e M a n W h o W a s n ´ t D a r w i n . http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2008/12/wallace/quammen-text.html

Sarkar, S. 1998. Wallace´s belated revival. J. Biosci. 1: 3-7.

Shermer, M. In Darwin´s shadow. The Life and Science of Alfred Russel Wallace: A Biographical Study on the Psychology of History. Chapter 5: A Gentlemanly Arrangement: Alfred Russel Wallace, Charles Darwin & the Scientific Priority Dispu- te. Oxford: Oxford University Press http://www.michaelshermer.com/darwins-shadow/excerpt/

Smith, C.H. 2004. Wallace´s Unfinished Business: The "Other Man" in evolutionary theory. Complexity, 10: 25-30.

Smith, C.H.A lfred Russel Wallace: A Capsule Biogr aphy. The Alfred Rusell Wallace Page,http://www.wku.edu/~smithch/index1.htm.



How to Cite

Ruiz Pérez, M. V. (2013). Celebrating Wallace . Encuentros En La Biología, 6(144), 71–74. Retrieved from https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/enbio/article/view/18258