History of a polymorphism


  • Carlos E Rodríguez Spain


polymorphism, isoform, protein


It happened in the land of spices. In the cradle of chess and the numbering system. It happened in distant India. And it spread around the world.

So our story could begin. It’s not a story of princesses and maharajas, but of a much more mundane topic, the birth of a protein isoform. A simple protein as abundant in our veins as it is unknown to people outside, and not so outside, science. It’s about haptoglobin, present in all mammals, a protein ahead of its time because, from time immemorial, it discovered the benefits of reuse and recycling to prevent us from drowning in our own waste


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How to Cite

Rodríguez , C. E. (2013). History of a polymorphism. Encuentros En La Biología, 6(144), 65–68. Retrieved from https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/enbio/article/view/18256