Osmoregulatory processes in teleost fish: control mediated by different endocrine systems


  • Juan Antonio Martos-Sitcha Spain
  • Laura Cádiz Spain
  • Arleta Krystyna Skrzynska Spain
  • Gonzalo Martínez Rodríguez Spain
  • Juan Miguel Mancera Spain


teleost fish, euryhaline


A large number of fish species are defined as euryhaline, being able to withstand drastic changes in environmental salinity. Within these species we can distinguish between: i) totally euryhaline teleosts, if they are capable of inhabiting environments from fresh water to environments with high salinity; and ii) partially euryhaline teleosts, when the range of salinities in which they can live excludes completely freshwater environments.

For its part, another way in which teleost fish can differentiate will depend on the environment in which they live; that is, freshwater fish or saltwater fish.


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How to Cite

Martos-Sitcha, J. A., Cádiz, L., Krystyna Skrzynska, A., Martínez Rodríguez, G., & Mancera, J. M. (2014). Osmoregulatory processes in teleost fish: control mediated by different endocrine systems. Encuentros En La Biología, 7(152), 211–214. Retrieved from https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/enbio/article/view/18064