CRISPR and coronavirus


  • Lluís Montoliu Spain



Those of you who have heard me giving a talk about CRISPR, or have read my book “Editing genes: cut, paste and color. The wonderful CRISPR tools” (NextDoor Publishers, 2019) will already know that one of the phrases I repeat most is: “the imagination is the limit of CRISPR applications”. That is why we should not be surprised that the CRISPR universe also has something to say in the current global health crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes COVID-19. In this article I will explain the two main groups of CRISPR applications to DIAGNOSE and to FIGHT the coronavirus.


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How to Cite

Montoliu, L. . (2023). CRISPR and coronavirus. Encuentros En La Biología, 12(170), 16–23.