Genetic editing in humans and the necessary question for the purposes


  • Antonio Diéguez de Lucena Spain



Human Gene Editing, CRISPR-cas9, transhumanism, human bioenhancement


The application of precise genetic editing techniques, such as CRISPR-cas9 and others that may be discovered, to the modification of the human genome blazes a hopeful trail  for the cure of various diseases,  but also pave a more questionable way to the improvement and enhancement of traits possessed by human beings from their origins as a species, and even for the incorporation of completely new traits. This possibility of human bioenhancement should provoke a public debate about the aims that would guide its realization, if this realization is possible sometime in a safe way.


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How to Cite

Diéguez de Lucena, A. . (2019). Genetic editing in humans and the necessary question for the purposes. Encuentros En La Biología, 12(170), 11–15.