Genetic editing with CRISPR: from the salt flats of Santa Pola (Alicante) to the fight against the SARS-CoV2 coronavirus through the first genetically edited humans.


  • Enrique Viguera Mínguez Spain
  • Miguel Ángel López Carrasco Spain



CRISPR-Cas genetic editing, Lluís Montoliu, SHERLOCK, CARMEN, DETECTR, REPAIR


The CRISPR-Cas genetic editing technique is causing a real scientific revolution. Its use allows to eliminate, add, or replace genetic information both in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo experiments. The list of possibilities and applications in biology, biotechnology and biomedicine is very extensive: Inactivation of a gene, substitution of a DNA sequence by another, correction of a specific change in the DNA responsible for the appearance of a certain disease, design of diagnostic systems with an unthinkable sensitivity to date, possibility of editing not only DNA but also RNA, encoding of hidden messages in the genome of a bacterium… The researcher Lluís Montoliu, a pioneer in the use of these tools in Spain, tells us in his book “Editing genes: cut, paste and color” that “the limit of the applications derived from genetic editing with CRISPR tools is in the imagination of the researchers”. From 2013 to now, almost 18,000 scientific publications have appeared that use the CRISPR system and multiple variants of CRISPR-based genetic editing have emerged, such as SHERLOCK, CARMEN, DETECTR and REPAIR.


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How to Cite

Viguera Mínguez, E., & López Carrasco , M. Ángel . (2019). Genetic editing with CRISPR: from the salt flats of Santa Pola (Alicante) to the fight against the SARS-CoV2 coronavirus through the first genetically edited humans. Encuentros En La Biología, 12(170), 5–10.