sequencing method: second generation


  • Jose Miguel Valderrama Martín Spain
  • Francisco Ortigosa Spain
  • Rafael A. Cañas Spain
  • Rafael A. Cañas Spain



sequencing, second generation, NGS, pyrosequencing, 454, Ion Torrent, Illumina


During the Human Genome Project, many technical advances were introduced to the Sanger sequencing method. Those advances allowed the parallelization and the automation of this method, acting as a prelude  for the revolution that leaded to the appearance of a second generation of sequencing methods. With them, it has been achieved a dramatic reduction in the sequencing cost and the production of large amounts of infor- mation from a single nucleic acid sample. This fact has allowed to perform massive studies on genomes and transcriptomes leading to the omics sciences era, in which multiple genomes from different species haven been sequenced, and their functional dynamics have been studied at the genetic, epigenetic and transcriptional level.


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How to Cite

Valderrama Martín , J. M. ., Ortigosa, F., Cañas, R. A., & Cañas, R. A. (2020). sequencing method: second generation . Encuentros En La Biología, 13(174), 17–23.


