Survival and recovery of discards after the fishing process trawl


  • Cristina Barragán- Méndez Spain
  • Ignacio Sobrino Spain
  • Juan Miguel Mancera Spain



Although stress had already been considered as a determining factor for the survival of animals, it was not until 2017 when these studies began to be carried out in Spain. Based on these premises, a multidisciplinary research group emerged at the University of Cádiz with the aim of establishing solid tools that estimate the survival of discards based on their recovery capacity.


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How to Cite

Barragán- Méndez, C., Sobrino, I., & Mancera, J. M. (2023). Survival and recovery of discards after the fishing process trawl. Encuentros En La Biología, 14(177), 13–15.