Bryological notes for the province of Vizcaya. I. Study of the Sphagnum communities of Puerto de Urquiola


  • E. Fuertes Lasala Departamento de Bota?nica, Facultad de Ciencias, Univ. Complutense. Spain
  • M. Ladero Álvarez Departamento de Bota?nica, Facultad de farmacia. Universidad Complutenses. Spain
  • C. Navarro Aranda Departamento de Bota?nica, Facultad de farmacia. Universidad Complutenses. Spain





We have studied the sphagnum and the damp boggy comunities of the Puerto de Urquiola (Vizcaya). We have collected 10 species of Sphagnum,from these, 8 species are new records for Vizcaya. From the syntaxonomic study of the comunities, we describe for the first time Helodo-Sphagnetum Lemee 1937, Sphagnetosum crassicladisubas. nova.


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How to Cite

Fuertes Lasala, E., Ladero Álvarez, M., & Navarro Aranda, C. (1982). Bryological notes for the province of Vizcaya. I. Study of the Sphagnum communities of Puerto de Urquiola. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 7, 181–192.


