Contributions to the knowledge of the genus Salix L. (Salicaceae) in the province of León (NW Spain)


  • T.E. Díaz González Departamento de Bota?nica. Facultad de Biología. Universidad de Leo?n. Spain
  • F. Llamas Departamento de Bota?nica. Facultad de Biologia. Universidad de Leo?n. Spain





The autors have recognized in the studied territory 5 taxa of the Sallo subgenus and 7 of the Vetrix subgenus as well as sixteen hybrids. They consider S. neotricha an independent species from S. fragilis. The following hybrids are described: Salix x expectata, Salim x pormensis, Salim x viridifolia, Sallo x pseudosalvifolia, Salix x longissima, Salix x pseudoelaeagnos, Salim x multidentata and Salix x rijosa.

We give the chorology of each taxon in Leo?n province on maps with UTM coordinates of 10 km, as well as its phytosociological behaviour.

Three dichotomic keys are given in order to identify the taxa of the Salix genus living in Leo?n province. These are based on male and female catkins as well as leaf morphology.


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How to Cite

Díaz González, T., & Llamas, F. (1987). Contributions to the knowledge of the genus Salix L. (Salicaceae) in the province of León (NW Spain). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 12, 111–150.


