Chytridial fungal infection in a population of Oocystis borgei (Oocystaceae, Chlorophyceae)


  • M. Arauzo Centro de Investigaciones del Agua (CSIC). Spain
  • M. Álvarez Cobelas Centro de Investigaciones del Agua (CSIC). Spain
  • A. Rubio Centro de Investigaciones del Agua (CSIC). Spain





A study of chytrid infection on a phytoplankton population of the cloroccocal species Oocystis borgei (Chlorophyceae, Oocystaceae) living in an eutrophic reservoir (El Vello?n, Madrid) during the stagnation period has been undertaken.

The infection process was expanded in swiftly high pH and temperature conditions. Parasity fungal community peaked a s host population stopped growing, fungal resting stages beginning to develop at the same time. At the end of the infection, O ocystis population was disappeared.

Oocystis's water column distribution was not affected by parasitic process.


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How to Cite

Arauzo, M., Álvarez Cobelas, M., & Rubio, A. (1987). Chytridial fungal infection in a population of Oocystis borgei (Oocystaceae, Chlorophyceae). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 12, 35–43.


