Cariological and taxonomic data on the genus Teucrium L. (Labiatae) in the Iberian Peninsula. Datos cariológicos y taxonómicos sobre el género Teucrium L


  • E. Valdés Bermejo Instituto Bota?nico A. J. Cavanilles. Jardi?n Bota?nico (C.S.I.C.). Spain
  • A. Sánchez Crespo Instituto Bota?nico A. J. Cavanilles. Jardi?n Bota?nico (C.S.I.C.). Spain





52 Spanish populations of 28 taxa of the genus Teucrium L. are studied caryologically, reporting for the first time the chromosome numbers of the following taxa: I fruticans L. (2n = 30); T. pseudochamaepitys L. (2n = 60); T. webbianum Boiss., (2n = 32 + 0-1B, 48 + 0- 2B); T. fragile Boiss., (2n = 32); T. libanitis Schreber, (2n = 26); T. carolipaui C. Vicioso ex Pau, (2n = 26); T. carolipaui susbp .fontqueri (Sennen) Rivas-Marti?nez, (2n = 26); T. lepicephalum Pall, (2n = 26); T. turredanum Losa &Rivas Goday, (2n = 26); T. capitatum subsp. gradllimum (Rouy) Valde?s-Bermejo, (2n = 26); T.exp expansum Pau, (2n = 26 + 0-2B, 52 + 0-2B); T. lusitanicum Schreber subsp. aureoformis (Rouy) Valde?s-Bermejo, (2n = 52); T. haenseleri Boiss. (2n = 26) T. chrysotrichum Lange, (2n = 26), T. lanigerum Lag. (2n = 26) as well as the triploid level of T. capitatum (3x = 39), and the diploid level of T. aureum subsp. angustifolium (Willk.) Puech (2x = 26).

In regard to nomenclature, the following combinations are proposed: T.capitatumL. subsp. gracilimum (Rouy) Valde?s-Bermejo y T lusitanicum Schreber subsp. aureoformis (Rouy) Valde?s-Bermejo.

The base number of the various sections of the genus is established, and the Iberian and Balearic species are assigned to their corresponding section. A hypothesis about the original base number is presented.


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How to Cite

Valdés Bermejo, E., & Sánchez Crespo, A. (1978). Cariological and taxonomic data on the genus Teucrium L. (Labiatae) in the Iberian Peninsula. Datos cariológicos y taxonómicos sobre el género Teucrium L. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 4, 27–54.




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