Contribution to the knowledge of the fungi of the Spain South- East. I


  • M. Honrubia Departamento de Bota?nica. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Murcia. Spain
  • X. Llimona Departamento de Bota?nica. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Murcia. Spain





A preliminary list of fungi collected in late autumn of 1977 in the region of Murcia (SE Spain), including species found in orchards and parlo, dunes, clear pinewoods in the potencial area of Chamaeropo-Rhamnetum lycioidis and in the potencial area of Quercetum rofundifoliae, to the same limit of the area of Quercus valentina (in the Sierra de Caravaca).

For each ecological residence studied, typical ensemble of species is commented. Some interesting mediterranean species collected are: Ceriporia bresadolae, on hard pine wood, Boletopsis leucomelas, Camarophyllus carneogriseus, Tricholomacaligatum, T. psammopus, Corinarius ionochlorus, Geastrum pseudostriatum.


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How to Cite

Honrubia, M., & Llimona, X. (1979). Contribution to the knowledge of the fungi of the Spain South- East. I. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 5, 131–146.


