Studies on the atmospheric mycoflora of Barcelona. II. The genus Penicillium


  • M. A. Calvo Ca?tedra de Microbiologi?a. Facultad de Farmacia. Barcelona. Spain
  • J. Guarro Ca?tedra de Microbiologi?a. Facultad de Farmacia. Barcelona. Spain





An investigation about the genus Penicilliumin the atmosphere of Barcelona in the period from november 1976 until february 1978. 8.029 Petri plates were exposed, and 32.965 propagules pertaining the said genus, the obtained results are compared with the results secured other investigators in several cities of the world and related to the climatic conditions.


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How to Cite

Calvo, M. A., & Guarro, J. (1979). Studies on the atmospheric mycoflora of Barcelona. II. The genus Penicillium. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 5, 113–120.




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