Populations and communities of benthic algae in the Catalonian coast


  • L. Polo Alberti Departamento de Biologi?a. Colegio Universitario de Gerona. Spain
  • J. Seoane Camba Ca?tedra de Bota?nica. Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad de Barcelona. Spain






The populations of benthic algae form communities which are little differenciated in some spots while in others they constitute definite communities with some indicative value. Several profiles of the catalan coast are treated in this paper they have been drawn in accordance with outlines taken on the ground and with the aid of submarine pictures.

The profiles, taken at several spots of the coast, reveal some horizonts and facies which are characteristic of the west Mediterranean, this allows us to tabulate the facies more evidents and better characterized according to their exposure to the swell and to the light.


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How to Cite

Polo Alberti, L., & Seoane Camba, J. (1979). Populations and communities of benthic algae in the Catalonian coast. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 5, 51–66. https://doi.org/10.24310/Actabotanicaabmabm.v5i.9672




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