Review of the genus Arrhenatherum Beauv. (Gramineae) in the Iberian Peninsula


  • C. Romero- Zarco Departamento de Bota?nica, Facultad de Biologi?a, Universidad de Sevilla. Spain





Morphology, leaf Anatomy and Caryology of Arrhenatherum taco (Gramineae) from Iberian Peninsula are studied. Six taxa arranged in two species are recognized. A. elatius subsp. baeticum Romero Zarco is described, and two varieties are recognized in A. album (Vahl) W.D.Clayton, proposinga new combination, A. album var. erianthum (Boiss. & Reuter) Romero Zarco. Synonymy, distribution and, when posible, typification, are given for every taxa. Species delimitation and natural hybrids are discussed.


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How to Cite

Romero- Zarco, C. (1985). Review of the genus Arrhenatherum Beauv. (Gramineae) in the Iberian Peninsula. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 10, 123–154.


