Catalogue of the Spanish continental algae. IV. Chlorophyceae Wille in Warming 1884. Prasinophyceae T. Christensen ex Silva 1980


  • M. Álvarez Cobelas Centro de Investigaciones del Agua (CSIC). Spain
  • T. Gallardo Real Jardín Bota?nico (CSIC). Spain





A catalogue of Spanish inland algae belonging to Chlorophyceae (557 taxa) and Prasinophyceae (9 taxa) and found up to July 1981 is given.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Cobelas, M., & Gallardo, T. (1986). Catalogue of the Spanish continental algae. IV. Chlorophyceae Wille in Warming 1884. Prasinophyceae T. Christensen ex Silva 1980. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 11, 17–38.


