Some pollen anomalies in Sideritis from the Iberian Southeast


  • José Carrión Departamento de Biologi?a Vegetal. Laboratorio de Bota?nica. Universidad de Murcia. Spain
  • Francisco Alcaraz Departamento de Biologi?a Vegetal. Laboratorio de Bota?nica. Universidad de Murcia. Spain



Hibridizaton, pollen anomalies, Sideritis


Pollen grains of 52 populations of 23 taxa of the genus Sideritis L . S ect. Sideritis Bentham were studied. Three pollen anomalies were distinguished and discussed.


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How to Cite

Carrión, J., & Alcaraz, F. (1988). Some pollen anomalies in Sideritis from the Iberian Southeast. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 13, 179–187.


