Aspicilieturn verrucosae Frey 1927 and Teloschistetum contortuplicati Asta et Roux 1977 in the Baetic limestones


  • Manuel Casares Departamento de Biologi?a Vegetal. Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad de Granada. Spain



Lichens, vegetation, Andaluci?a, Spain


Aspicilietum verrucosae Frey 1927 and Teloschistetum contortuplicati Asta et Roux 1977, are two mountain associations of lichens which grow in rock fissures and on vertical faces where the snow disappears early. Both are widely represented in the center and north of Europe but few contributions dealing with them are to be found in the bibliography devoted to the lichen vegetation of Spain.

In the curse of our studies, centered on the limestone outcrops of the province of Granada,well developed Aspicilietum verrucosae and fragmentary Teloschistetum contortuplicati were discovered.


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How to Cite

Casares, M. (1988). Aspicilieturn verrucosae Frey 1927 and Teloschistetum contortuplicati Asta et Roux 1977 in the Baetic limestones. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 13, 111–119.




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