Contribution to the study of the rupicolous communities of Cheilanthetalia marantho-maderensis and Androsacetalia vandellii in the Iberian Peninsula
Asplenietea, Phagnalo rumicetea, Aeonio-Grenovietea, Anogrammo-Polypodietea, Iberian PeninsulaAbstract
An study on the Iberian Peninsula rocks comunities it is going on with dominantes by several species of the genus Cheilaruhes and Notholaena, from these the new associations of the Phagnalo saxatile-Cheilanthion maderensis alliance (Cheilanthetalia maranto-maderensis, Asplenietea trichomanis): Notholaeno marantae-Cheilanthetum guanchicae are proposed the first distinctive of the Bermejense Subsector (Rondefio Sector, Betica chorological Province) and the second Cheilantho maderensis-Cosentinietum velleae with is basically of the Betic distribution. Based on the bibliography and on our own data, a comparative analysis of the casmofitic comunities on the Cheilanthetalia maranto-maderensis order and Androsacetalia vandellii order are presented, taking into account their relationships with Phagnalo-Rumicetea indurati. Forthermore from this last one the association Phalacro- carpoSaxifragetum continent alis is also described.
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