Comparative study of the floristic composition in the post-fire regeneration of Quercus pyrenaica Willd ecosystems


  • Reyes Tarrega Area de Ecologi?a. Facultad de Biologi?a. Universidad de Leo?n. Spain
  • Leonor Calvo Area de Ecologi?a. Facultad de Biologi?a. Universidad de Leo?n. Spain
  • Estanislao Luis Area de Ecologi?a. Facultad de Biologi?a. Universidad de Leo?n. Spain



Fire, regeneration, Quercus pyrenaica


Post-fire regeneration in ecosystems dominated by Quercus pyrenaica was studied, from one month to five years after the fire. Floristic composition was compared, if it was possible, with the one before the fire, or with the cli?max community, if it was not. In the best preserved zones, a similar species composition to the climax one was observed since the first samplings. In the zones most disturbed before the fire, there is an increase of shrub species, showing a trend to substitute the primitive forest by shrublands.


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How to Cite

Tarrega, R., Calvo, L., & Luis, E. (1990). Comparative study of the floristic composition in the post-fire regeneration of Quercus pyrenaica Willd ecosystems. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 15, 331–339.


