On the oak forest of the plain of La Selva (Gerona)


  • Luis Vilar Lab. de Botanica, Estudi General de Girona (U.A.B.) Girona. Spain
  • Xavier Vin?as Lab. de BotAnica, Estudi General de Girona (U.A.B.) Girona. Spain




Phytosociology, Forests, Oak groves of Q.gr. pubescens, Quercion ilicis, Quercion robori-palyieue


Two oak groves from Selva country (NE part of Iberian Peninsula) has been studied. The central part of this country (Selva Depression) have special geological and climatical characteristics which favour decidous species instead evergreen ones, which are common in the neighbouring mountains.


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How to Cite

Vilar, L., & Vin?as, X. (1990). On the oak forest of the plain of La Selva (Gerona). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 15, 277–281. https://doi.org/10.24310/abm.v15i.9310


