Contribution to the knowledge of the epicontinental algae of southeastern Spain. VI. Dinophyceae (Dinophyceae Fritsch. 1927) and Euglenophyceae (Euglenophyceae Schoenichem, 1925)


  • Marina Aboal Dinofi?ceas del SE de Espan?a 17 NICOLSON, J. -1981- Assignment of numbers to recently proposed conservations of family names (algae). Taxon, 30:487-489. POCHMANN, A. -1942- Synopsis der Gattung Phacus. Arch. f. Proust., 95(2):81-252. PRINGSHEIM, E.G. -1956- Contributions towards a Monographie of the Genus Euglena. Nor. Act. Leopold, 125 (18). SCHILLER, J. -1937- Dinoflagellatae (Peridineae). Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen Flora. Vol X. Section III. Part II. 2. Teil. Akademische Vevlaasgesellschaft M.B.H. SILVA, P.C. -1980- Regnum Vehetahile, 103: 143-156. STARMACH, K. -1974- Cryptophyceae, Dinophyceae, Raphidophyceae. Flora Slodkowodna Polski. Tom. 4. Warsawa. Krakow. VIDAL ABARCA, M.R. -1985- Las aguas superficiales de la Cuenca del Ri?o Segura (SE de Espan?a). Caracterizacio?n fi?sico-qui?mica en relacio?n al medio fi?sico y humano. Tesis docto- ral. Fac. Biologi?a. Univ. Murcia. (Aceptado para su publicacio?n el 24 de enero de 1990) Direccio?n de la autora: Departamento de Biologi?a Vegetal (Bota?nica). Facultad de Biologi?a. Campus de Espinardo. Universidad de Murcia. Spain



Freshwater algae, Dynophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Southeastern Spain, flora


Seven Dynophyceae and fifteen Euglenophyceoe taxa were identified in algological prospections carried out during years 1982-85. Eighteen of them are new for the algological flora from Southeastern Spain and three for Spanish flora. The values of main physicalchemical characteristics of water for each specie are summarized.


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How to Cite

Aboal, M. (1990). Contribution to the knowledge of the epicontinental algae of southeastern Spain. VI. Dinophyceae (Dinophyceae Fritsch. 1927) and Euglenophyceae (Euglenophyceae Schoenichem, 1925). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 15, 11–18.




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