Climate-vegetation relationships in the French Central Pyrenees


  • Marcel Gruber Laboratoire de Botanique et Ecologie Me?diterrane?enne. Faculte? des Sciences et Techniques de St. Je?rome. France



Pyrenees, vegetation, climated, France


Climatological study of the central french Pyrenees. Some valleys (Neste d'Aure, Bave de Pau) show a slightly continental climate and their vegetation and flora present Pinos sylvestris, Quereos petraea (in mountain level) while the beech groves and fir forests are mainly mesophilous or mesoxerophilous; at the subalpine level, Pinos uncinata and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi are predominant with dry open pastures.

Other damper valleys (Adour, Bareges) contain more hygrophilous beech groves and fir forests and not Pinos sylvestris and Quereos petraea; Betula pubescens, Pinos uncinata and Rhododendron ferrugineum are then of a primordial importance at the subalpine level with damp grasslands.

In the northern lowlands (hill-level) of the central Pyrenees Quereos robur is the most important oak, but other treelike species also live in this atlantic region: Quereos petraea, Q.pyrenaica, Q. pubescens and Carpinus betulus.


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How to Cite

Gruber, M. (1991). Climate-vegetation relationships in the French Central Pyrenees. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 16(2), 405–416.


