Contribution to the knowledge of the epicontinental algae of S.E. Spain. VIII: Desmidiaceaceae and Mesoteniaceae (Desmidiaceae, Mesotaeniaceae, Zygophyceae Widder 1960)


  • Marina Aboal Departamento de Biologi?a Vegetal (Bota?nica). Facultad de Biologi?a. Campus del Espinardo. Universidad de Murcia. Spain



Freshwater algae, Desmidiaceae, Mesoteniaceae, Sutheastern Spain, flora


Some results of algological surveys carried out during last years in the river Segura Basin and other zones of Southeastern Spain are presented. Alkaline water streams are not a very usefull habitat for Desmidiales but 48 taxa were found (21 belongs to Cosmarium genera). Eight of them are cited for the first time for Spain and 32 are new for Southeastern Spain flora. Mean and extreme values of main physichal-chemical characteristics of water for each specie are summarized.


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How to Cite

Aboal, M. (1991). Contribution to the knowledge of the epicontinental algae of S.E. Spain. VIII: Desmidiaceaceae and Mesoteniaceae (Desmidiaceae, Mesotaeniaceae, Zygophyceae Widder 1960). Acta Botanica Malacitana, 16(2), 325–338.




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