The Asplenium aethiopicum complex (Aspleniaceae, Pteridophyta) in the Macaronesian Islands


  • Jose? Ormonde Museu, Laborato?rio e Jardim Bota?nico de Coimbra. Centro de Fitossistema?tica e Fitoecologia do Instituto Nacional de Investigagdo Cienti?fica. Portugal



Pteridophyta, Asplenium, morphology, taxonomy, Macaronesian Islands


Earlier studies on citology in Aspleniumaethiopicum complex from Macaronesian Islands have shown that the Canarian representatives are apomict hexaploids and that the Madeiran ones are sexual dodecaploids. In order to determinate which taxonomic entities occur in Macaronesian Islands, we have studied the morphological features of rizoma scales, fronds, abaxial epidermal cells and spores. Those morphological studies have shown that the apomict hexaploids occur only in La Palma, Hierro, and Tenerife Islands, while the sexual dodecaploids occur in Madeira Island, La Palma Island, from Canaries, and in Santo Ant5o Isl., Sdo Vicente Isl., Sdo Nicolau Isl., Santiago Isl. and Fogo Isl., all from Cabo Verde Islands. We consider the former as A. filare subsp. canariense and the later as A. aethiopicum subsp. braithwaitii.


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How to Cite

Ormonde , J. (1991). The Asplenium aethiopicum complex (Aspleniaceae, Pteridophyta) in the Macaronesian Islands. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 16(1), 293–315.




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