Contribution to the cytotaxonomic knowledge of the flora of Acores-IV


  • Margarida Queiro?s nstituto Bota?nico. Universidade de Coimbra. Centro de Fitossistema?tica e Fitoecologia do INIC. Portugal
  • Jose? Ormonde Instituto Bota?nico. Universidade de Coimbra. Centro de Fitossistema?tica e Fitoecologia do INIC. Portugal
  • Isabel Nogueira Instituto Bota?nico. Universidade de Coimbra. Centro de Fitossistema?tica e Fitoecologia do INIC. Portugal



Diplazium caudatum, morphology, cytology, palynology, ecology, Macaronesia


Diplazium caudatum (Cav.) Jermy from the Terceira and S. Miguel Islands (Azores) is reported for the first time under the karyological point of view (n=41) and this result is in accordance with earlier counts. Studies of the morphology, palynology, ecology of this taxon from the Macaronesia are stated.


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How to Cite

Queiro?s, M., Ormonde, J., & Nogueira, I. (1991). Contribution to the cytotaxonomic knowledge of the flora of Acores-IV. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 16(1), 281–292.


