Assessment of atmospheric contamination by SO2 in the area of Ferrol-Fene (La Coruña) by means of epiphytic lichens


  • Regina Carballal Dpto. de Biologi?a Vegetal. Facultad de Biologi?a. Universidad de Santiago. Spain
  • Aida Garci?a Molares Dpto. de Recursos Naturales y Medio Ambiente. Facultad de Biologi?a. Universidad de Vigo. Spain



Lichens, pollution


A study at the Ferrol-Fene area by means of epiphytic lichens as biological monitoring of air pollution is carried up. There were selected 24 sampling points at Ferrol town and another 5 at Fene. The used methods were the Index of Atmospheric Purity (TAP.) of Leblanc & De Sloover (1970), the qualitative scale of Hawksworth & Rose (1970) and the qualitative scale modified for Galicia of Carballal & Garci?a Molares (1987-88). Three zones of isopollution were delimited and mapped taking in account the I.A.P. and the qualitative scale modified for Galicia.


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How to Cite

Carballal, R., & Garci?a Molares, A. (1991). Assessment of atmospheric contamination by SO2 in the area of Ferrol-Fene (La Coruña) by means of epiphytic lichens. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 16(1), 197–206.




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