Enzymatic activities in ectomycorrhizal-forming basidiomycetes in Pinus radiata D. Don


  • Miren K. Dun?abeitia Departamento de Biologi?a Vegetal y Ecologi?a. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad del Pai?s Vasco. Spain
  • Susana Hormilla Departamento de Biologi?a Vegetal y Ecologi?a. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad del Pai?s Vasco. Spain
  • Emilio Pe?rez Moral Departamento de Biologi?a Vegetal y Ecologi?a. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad del Pai?s Vasco. Spain
  • Jose? I. Pen?a Departamento de Biologi?a Vegetal y Ecologi?a. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad del Pai?s Vasco. Spain




Ectomycorrhizae, phosphatase, nitrate reductase


Extracellular enzyme production by ectomycorrhizae is able to movilize an important soil fraction. We report enzyme activities related with nitrogen and phosphorus movi I ization in four ectomycorriza-forming fungi: Suillus luteus (L.: Fr.) F. Gray, Xerocomus badius (Fr.:Fr.) Gilbert, Boletus pinicola (Vitt.) Venturi andPisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker & Couch We examine the potential value of enzyme activity as a criterion for selecting inoculant fungi. High values are considered as profitable for inoculants under nursery conditions.


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How to Cite

Dun?abeitia, M. K., Hormilla, S., Pe?rez Moral, E., & Pen?a, J. I. (1991). Enzymatic activities in ectomycorrhizal-forming basidiomycetes in Pinus radiata D. Don. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 16(1), 115–121. https://doi.org/10.24310/abm.v16i.9151


